
group.chas1.jpgOctober 2, 2014 (Thursday)
When the Ford Mustang came out in 1964-1965, it sold for $2,325. The 2015 Mustang will have a minimum price of $23,600. Fifty years can make quite a difference. Of course, the rise in cost of living has a lot to do with it. You need $7.67 today to equal the buying power of a 1964 dollar. So some of the increase in price of a Mustang is due to inflation. Add to that the differences in the automobile itself and the myriad of taxes and add-ons in today’s world, and the new price is a bargain.
I went to the 1964 World’s Fair and visited the Ford Exhibit, so I know I saw the new Ford Mustang which became the talk of the country, but I don’t remember seeing it at all. I mustang.jpgsuppose I was unimpressed because I was overwhelmed by being in the biggest Baptist meeting ever the week before in Atlantic City, and by being in New York City for the first time, enough alone to impress even a Dallas guy, which was where I lived at the time. But the Mustang soon became popular, and we could see it on the road just about everywhere.
The ad for the new Mustang is “This is not your grandfather’s Mustang, or your father’s.”
Here they come again, better and stronger. Greatly improved. But nostalgia for the old ones is such a strong phenomenon these days that millions of people would prefer paying premium prices for a 1965 model just so they could say they have it. Which brings us to the question, “What’s an item worth?” The answer, simply, is “whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.” According to that proposition, a rock picked up from the street randomly could be worth a million dollars if someone offers to pay it.
So, what’s your car worth? Your house? Your furnishings? Your Jewelry?
Hey, here’s one for you: What are you worth? No, I’m not talking about your assets; I’m talking about you. What does God say you are worth? The answer is in John 3:16, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 TLB).
Jesus said, “.. don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time” (Matthew 6:34 TLB). God will take care of you; according to Him, you are worth it.