The Ten Commandments – #2

February 23, 2021 (Tuesday)

You shall not make idols

The First Commandment forbids other gods, and the Second Commandment forbids the creation of idols (graven images). The two commandments are similar, but not identical. “No other gods” precludes the worship of anything or anyone who claims to be God. “No idols” is broader in scope forbidding the use of idols even in the worship of Yahweh (Jehovah), the one true God.

The First Commandment says worship only the one true God. The Second Commandment forbids not only the worship of idols, but also the creation of them.

Isaiah tells us that idolatry is foolish:

“A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it. With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, “How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!” The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, ‘You are my god—save me!’ Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.” (Isaiah 44:15-18).

What idol are you worshiping instead of the Lord? Is it your car? Your house? Your furnishings? Your bank account? Your stocks and bonds? Your boat and the fish you catch with it? Have these kinds of things become idols to you, demanding your worship?

I knew a man who was very proud of his car. He parked it where no nearby car door could open against his car and scratch or dent his car. He washed his automobile often. He was careful to instruct his passengers to do nothing that might damage the interior in the slightest. Then one awful night his car was hit head-on by an oncoming vehicle, killing one of his passengers and seriously injuring the others. When he got well and bought another car, he never idolized it even though he was grateful to have it. His first car was an idol; his cars after that accident were merely means of transportation. Do you own anything that you idolize? Is there a person that has become an idol for you? Is there an activity that you simply cannot give up for the sake of anyone competing for your time?

Are you breaking the Second Commandment? Should you confess that sin to the Lord? And repent?

Are you fully committed to the Lord? Is He your one and only object of worship?

Oscar Williams
Date Unknown

All the glory
And all the honor
And all the praise belongs to only thee
In the morning
With brand new mercies
It is your face that I seek
Oh precious lamb slain at calvary
I sing your praise throughout eternity
And cast my crown at your feet
So that you’ll get all the glory
Take none for me but all

All the glory
And all the honor
And all the praise belongs to only thee
In the morning
With brand new mercies
It is your face that I seek
Oh precious lamb slain at calvary
I sing your praise throughout eternity
And cast my crown at your feet
So that you’ll get all the glory
Take none for me but all for thee

Oh precious lamb slain at Calvary
I sing your praise throughout eternity
And cast my crown at your feet
So that you’ll get all the glory
Take none for me but all for thee
All to thee
All to thee
This is my prayer, my earnest plea
Lord, take my life Lord and let it be
Oh Lord, Lord to thee
All to thee
All to thee
This is my prayer, my earnest plea
Lord, take my life and let it be, be, be
Lord to thee
Take none for me, but all for thee
Take none for me, but all for thee
All to thee


   1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

   2. You shall not make idols.

   3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your
        God in vain.

   4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

   5. Honor your father and your mother.

   6. You shall not murder.

   7. You shall not commit adultery.

   8. You shall not steal.

   9. You shall not bear false witness against your

 10. You shall not covet.