May 29, 2014 (Thursday)
Daniel was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C., at the same time Ezekiel was taken. The Book of Daniel is probably better known by the average person because of the collection of historical stories it contains, like the story of how Daniel and his young friends refused the rich food offered them by the king, preferring a more simple diet, resulting in better health. Or the refusal of Daniel to stop praying to God when ordered to pray to the king. Most people have heard of Daniel in the lion’s den, or Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Many people remember the fingers writing a message on the wall, “You are weighed in the balances, and found wanting.” Some people are fascinated by the huge statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream or “Daniel’s 70 weeks” vision.
Daniel – Devotional thoughts
After Daniel was miraculously spared from death in the lions’ den, he was promoted to a lofty position in government by the king. Godliness sometimes has rewards other than the benefit of knowing you’ve done the right thing.
Nothing–not even the threat of death–could keep Daniel from praying to his God openly. Standing by your principles, even though it may be hazardous to your well-being, is God’s will for you.
It is a good thing today to teach the young about Daniel, and the example he set for other young people. The need for good models of belief and behavior was never greater than today.