Psalms – Devotional thoughts

pic of charlesMay 19, 2014 (Monday)
The Psalms have been called, “Israel’s Songbook.” A Psalm is a religious poem or song set to music. Just as songs today are written for different reasons and used for special purposes, so were the Psalms of God’s people. Some of the Psalms are congregational hymns and some are private prayers. There are 150 Psalms in our Bible, more or less depending on the translation. Content of the Psalms covers a full range of possible emotions and descriptions of almost every type of life event. Think about all the different types of music you experience, and you have an idea of what the Psalms were like–they were fitted for every mood and purpose.
Psalms – Devotional thoughts
What’s your favorite Psalm? Why? When was the last time you thought about it? Have you memorized it?
For many years, I read the 23rd Psalm at gravesides. In recent years, I have asked the people in attendance to quote it with me from memory. They have never failed to be able to do that. Even people who never attend church are familiar with the words and know the Psalm by heart.
Have you memorized a Psalm recently? If not, why not give it a try? You’ll enjoy it and it will do you good.