Holy Week April 13-20, 2014

(Note from Charles: This blog will be repeated each day this week. I suggest you read only the paragraph designed for the day described, and be sure to read the link from Mary Fairchild each day. That method will provide a daily devotional for you. God bless you. May you have a blessed Easter).

Sunday is Palm Sunday, a celebration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to begin the week that Christians call, “Holy Week.” After making his presence known and briefly visiting the Temple areas, he and his disciples spent the night in Bethany at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. (Details about Sunday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here).
On Monday, Jesus went to Jerusalem again and entered the Temple, driving out the money changers, merchants and animals, saying “It is written, ‘my house shall be called a place of prayer’ but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Details about Monday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
On Tuesday, Jesus went back to the Temple, where the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees awaited him, thinking they could turn the crowds against him by posing questions he could not answer, but Jesus in His wisdom answered them in such a way that they looked foolish to the onlookers.He continued teaching his followers in the afternoon at the Mount of Olives. “ (Details about Tuesday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
On Wednesday, Jesus remained in Bethany, while Judas made a deal with the religious leaders to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. “ (Details about Wednesday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
On Thursday, Jesus met with his disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem to observe the Passover meal, during which he washed their feet, teaching them humility and servanthood, and afterwards instituted “The Lord’s Supper.” He taught them and prayed with them as they left the house and walked to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prayed, “Not my will, but yours be done.” “ (Details about Thursday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
On Friday, at Gethsemane, Judas came, betraying Jesus with a kiss, and pointing him out to the crowd that came to arrest him. He was taken to six different trials before Jews and Romans, and by 9:00 a.m. was nailed to a cross. He died after six hours, was taken down from the cross and hastily prepared for burial in a tomb. A great stone was placed over the door. “ (Details about Friday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
Saturday was the Sabbath. All rested and were inactive, obeying Sabbath law. “ (Details about Saturday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
On Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene and other women visited the tomb and found that the stone had been removed. Mary looked inside the tomb and saw that Jesus was not there. They ran to the disciples and Peter and John came to find angels announcing, “He is risen!” After their departure, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, calling her by name, and she quickly went to others, sharing the good news.” (Details about Resurrection Sunday from Mary Fairchild in About.Com–Click here)
Jesus made at least 11 appearances during the following weeks. At the final appearance, he ascended into Heaven. He instructed his followers to pray and fast in Jerusalem as they awaited the promised power of the Holy Spirit, which fell on them on the Day of Pentecost. They preached the gospel in other languages, and all those in Jerusalem from many places in the world heard it. At least 3000 people believed and were baptized on that day.

pic of charlesAnd so it began. Believers shared the gospel with Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth. Finally it reached you and me. Thanks be to God.