Quit Yer Kickin’

pic of charlesMarch 7, 2014 (Friday)
I think the year was 1966 and Jess Moody the speaker. I’m pretty sure I have quoted him already in one of these blogs, but it’s been a while, and I would like to quote his little poem again. It goes like this:

I despise the guys
Who criticize and minimize
The other guys whose enterprise
Has made them rise
Above the guys
Who criticize and minimize.

This is America. I was taught very early in life that this is the land of opportunity. If success is part of the American dream, should we not be rejoicing in behalf of those who are successful?
You won’t find me carrying signs that vilify the so-called one percent of our society. They are wealthy. Fine with me.
Put down your signs. Leave the demonstration mob and go to work. My goodness alive, this is the country that gives you a chance. Take it.