We Know Enough

pic of charlesFebruary 20, 2014 (Thursday)
Yesterday morning I drove to Corpus Christi in the fog, leaving home around 4:30 a.m.
I could not see very far down the road, but I could see far enough. I could not see whatever was on either side of the road, and I could only see a limited, partially obscured, distance in front of me. But I could see enough to make the trip.
It occurs to me that life is like that. We cannot see the whole distance that we are destined to travel in this life. The future is a mystery for most of us. We make our plans, but many times those plans have to be changed. We think we would like to know the future, but would that be a good thing? I remember a movie about a man who received tomorrow’s newspaper every day. He thought it was great, and captialized on the information to better himself and make money. But one day his newspaper of tomorrow shocked him with headlines of his death. Perhaps we are better off not knowing the future.
We know enough. We know Jesus promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end.” God promised, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” Christ lives in those who believe in Him, and has promised not only a wonderful life in the here and now, but an eternal home in Heaven when we reach the end of this earthly road. We know enough.