The Beautiful Garden of Prayer

January 16, 2021 (Saturday)

The hymn, “Beautiful Garden of Prayer,” is based on Mark 14:32, “They came to a place named Gethsemane, and He said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”

Jesus taught us to pray, and gave us a model to use as we learn how to pray. Jesus prayed often, at times seeking a solitary place where he could talk with His Father.

“The Garden of Prayer” is in our hearts and we can meet the Lord there at any time, day or night. Jesus says “Call upon me, and I will answer you.”

Words, Eleanor A. Schroll
Music, Adapted from James H. Fillmore, Sr. (1849-1936)

There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
There’s a place that is wondrously fair,
For it glows with the light of His presence.
‘Tis the beautiful garden of prayer.
Oh, the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer!
Oh, the beautiful garden of prayer!
There my Savior awaits, and He opens the gates
To the beautiful garden of prayer.

There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
And I go with my burden and care,
Just to learn from His lips words of comfort
In the beautiful garden of prayer.
Oh, the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer!
Oh, the beautiful garden of prayer!
There my Savior awaits, and He opens the gates
To the beautiful garden of prayer.

There’s a garden where Jesus is waiting,
And He bids you to come, meet Him there;
Just to bow and receive a new blessing
In the beautiful garden of prayer.
Oh, the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer!
Oh, the beautiful garden of prayer!
There my Savior awaits, and He opens the gates
To the beautiful garden of prayer.
