Just Keep on Praying

January 6, 2021 (Wednesday)

Wanda and I made a lot of music together through 50 years of togetherness. She played the piano and I sang solos. But we also sang duets. This song, “Just Keep On Praying,” was one that we enjoyed singing together. It has a very simple and easy-to-sing tune, but its words are about dire circumstances of life that bring us to our knees. And it says, “Don’t stop praying.” “Never give in until that final ‘Amen’.” As another song says, “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there,” but keep on praying just the same. The Lord is listening.

Chalvar A. Gabriel

Pray when the storm clouds gather o’erhead
Hiding the light from you,
Filling your soul with darkness and dread,
Pray till the light breaks through.

Just keep on praying till light breaks through
The Lord will answer (will answer) you,
God keeps His promise,
His word is true.
Just keep on praying till light breaks through.

Let not your sorrow yield to despair,
Trouble is over soon
Go to the Father
Tell Him your cares
Pray till the light breaks through.

Just keep on praying till light breaks through
The Lord will answer (will answer) you,
God keeps His promise,
His word is true.
Just keep on praying till light breaks through.

Pray then believing, God on the throne
Looks with compassion true
Unto His children
Cares for His own
Pray till the light breaks through.

Just keep on praying till light breaks through
The Lord will answer (will answer) you,
God keeps His promise,
His word is true.
Just keep on praying till light breaks through.