
January 2, 2021 (Saturday)

A lady got a smart phone that she really liked because it would unlock itself only when it “saw” her face. Well, she went on a diet and lost a lot of weight. Her appearance therefore changed. One day she picked up her phone and tried to unlock it, but when it saw her face, it did not recognize her. She had to reprogram the phone to recognize her altered image.

This is the time of year when people make resolutions. They promise themselves that changes will be made. That reminds me of a song, “There’ll be some changes made”

“..From now on there’ll be a change in me;
My walk will be different, my talk and my name —
Nothin’ about me gonna be the same..”

This song has its very own Wikipedia spot within the online encyclopedia. From composers to publisher to artist (Ethel Waters), everyone associated with the song in 1921 was African-American.

The song struck a chord in the hearts of many people, because deep down inside, people want to do better.

Many people are disappointed every year because they do not keep their resolutions. Evidently real change in a person takes more than just a wish to be better. There must be a change of heart if there is to be a change in actions.

Well, we have good news then. The word, “repent,” was prominently spoken in Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost, which marks the day that the church began to grow. Thousands who heard the sermon and listened to the believers repented of their sins and accepted Christ as Savior. Basically, the word translated “repent” means to change one’s mind. But it is more than just a desire to live differently, it is a change of heart, a change of will that results in a changed life. To put it another way, Jesus described becoming a Believer as being “born again.” A person turns away from self and sin and turns to Christ. A change takes place. As the apostle Paul later described the experience, the believer becomes a new creation in which the old man is replaced with the new man. He said, “..anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT).

After hearing Evie’s song, read the sentence below:
A June 2019 blog features Evie’s song, the words of her song and another song by Janet Paschal with its words. Click here to go there.