Short Cuts

pic of charlesSeptember 30, 2013 (Monday)
People have always had their “short cuts.” They knew the territory and understood that there was more than one possible route. Generally, one of them was shorter than the other. Kids took great pride in knowing where the short cuts were.
I watched a football player try his version of the “short cut.” The long way around was, “See ball, Catch ball, Tuck ball, Run with ball.” The short cut he took was “See ball. Tuck ball. Run with ball.” Problem: the short cut left out one step: “Catch ball.” He started running as the ball fell to the ground behind him.
In life it’s almost always better to avoid the short cuts and follow every step carefully. “Do it right” is a popular slogan in work places. Many a husband or wife has learned the hard way that taking short cuts that avoid doing the right thing in a marriage can result in marital problems. Kids have learned the hard way that short cuts in chores can result in disappointed parents. Short cuts can be good sometimes, but mostly their results are bad.
Are we following God’s plan for our lives, or are we attempting to use short cuts? Each of us should be willing to do whatever will bring the Lord’s “Well done, good and faithful servant.”