
Communication for everyone.

OCTOBER 15, 2007 (MONDAY) – After almost two weeks of serious contemplation about spiritual matters, we turn today to something completely different.
One of the most exciting scientific and technological developments of our time is the presence of satellites in orbit about the earth. Many are circling the earth at the same speed of earth’s rotation, and the result is that the satellite seems to be parked at a fixed location in the sky.
This situation provides an entirely new way of communicating with each other on earth. Radio signals are sent to the satellite, which receives them and then rebroadcasts them back to earth. Because of its altitude so far above the earth’s surface, its signal reaches incredibly large land areas. Since the radio signal is of such a high frequency it is virtually unaffected by any sort of interference, and because the broadcast is usually digital, it is just about perfect.
An entirely new type of radio broadcast is now available for your home or automobile. Video signals with beautiful clear images are also going through the satellites and already the choices of television programs are unbelievably numerous.
Because of these satellites, a new device known as a GPS, shows you exactly where you are on earth, or even within a room. Coupled with mapping and images of earth photographed from space, a person can view the position of his automobile on his instrument panel and listen as a voice gives him instructions on where to turn.
We can now look down on earth from the satellites and see huge weather systems such as hurricanes. The intelligence community and the military make use of the observation powers of satellites. The earth is under constant study from the satellites, recording information about atmosphere and geology for science, industry, agriculture and technology.
This little hokey essay only scratches the surface of how satellites are in use today and does not even begin to explore the possiblities for the future. Some day all the technologies that only a few can now afford, will be so readily available that everyone will have access to services never even dreamed of today.
Such is the world in which we live. A place of miracles, or so it would seem. But they are not miracles exactly. They have been invented and put to use by practical-minded people who never gave up, building upon the discoveries of scientific pioneers.
What a world we live in!
How strange, then, that, in spite of our discoveries, inventions and life-saving technologies, we still have problems like crime and war here on earth, threatening all people and proving beyond the shadow of doubt there is something wrong. The Bible tells us what that is: mankind, God’s magnificent crowning creation, made in God’s own image, has a bias toward sin and this keeps showing itself. It’s the fly in the ointment. The transforming power of Jesus Christ, however, can change people. He has given millions of people a desire to please God and to serve Him. Let us rejoice that the Word of God declares , “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”* Let us say with the Apostle Paul , “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation, offered to the whole world.”**
* 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
** Romans 1:16 paraphrase