Bye Bye July

pic of charlesJuly 31, 2013 (Wednesday)

Well, whaddaya know..this is the last and final day of July in the year 2013.
Why does time pass so quickly these days? The older we get, the faster time passes. I guess that’s because speed is relative: the slower we get, the faster time seems to move. Oh, well, we’ll just be thankful for each additional day, because many of us passed the sign that said, “70,” years ago. Or maybe it said, “Threescore and ten,” I don’t know–I was going so fast when I whizzed by it I didn’t notice the exact wording.
Elizabeth (Akers) Allen. 1832-1911, in her poem, “Rock Me to Sleep,” long before I was born, put such thoughts in verse:

BACKWARD, turn backward, O Time, in your flight,
Make me a child again just for to-night!

Read the entire poem. Click here.