Think–Do It Right

pic of  charlesJuly 12, 2013 (Friday)
The cable system in our house has a Digital Video Recorder (DVR). Dwight discovered right away that every program we watch goes through the DVR on its way to our television screen. In other words, when we watch a “live” program, we are actually watching a recording. The clue that let us know this was the television set in the kitchen. If you are standing in the right place in the house, you can hear them both, and one of them is a few seconds behind the other. The difference is the fact that one of them is a recording. If we miss something, we can rewind it and watch it again, paying closer attention the second time.
Would it not be wonderful if we were living the recording. Whenever we goof up, sin, make mistakes, say the wrong thing, we could hit the rewind button, erasing the fault, then relive the moment, saying the right thing, etc.
Alas, no such system is available. So we must think before we speak or act, control our emotions and say the right thing. The Scriptures tell us we shall give account before the judgment seat of Christ. So we better get it right the first (only) time.
When I worked at the GM plant in Arlington many years ago, slogans were posted everywhere we looked. One time it was, “Think.” Another time it was, “Do it right.” The results of ignoring these suggestions could have been tragic. No DVR replay. No second chance.
When Jesus died on the cross, he made possible the gift of God’s forgiveness. If we accept him as our Lord and Savior, we will be forgiven all our sins. God forgives our sins and remembers them against us no more. But the harmful impact upon others remains, because we cannot erase that. Think, therefore, and do it right.