The Google Glass

pic of charlesJuly 5, 2013 (Friday)
“Mr. Watson — Come here — I want to see you.”–Alexander Graham Bell (First intelligible words spoken over the telephone, March 10, 1876).

Communications have progressed since the smoke signals used by Native Americans. Complex systems have continued to develop to the point where we can carry a computer, telephone and television set, plus more, in a single hand-held device. Now Google has a new invention, a “smart phone” that you wear as a pair of glasses. It is now being tested by 10,000 people, and will be available to the general public next year.
I tried to keep up, refusing to fall behind in the computer age, but I think I have now given up. I am satisfied with email; I don’t use Facebook, Twitter or that other thing, whatever it is–it won’t come to mind just now. I am perfectly happy with the desktop computer and my cell phone is a “talk-only” phone. Who would have thought that such things would be considered old-fashioned?
The “Google Glass” cost $1,500, but the price will undoubtedly fall in the future. Never mind, I’m not interested. I have enough to confuse me now.

Devotional Thought: We “stay in touch” these days by means of personal communication devices and through thousands of surveillance cameras for which we pose daily. Reminds me of our awesome God, who sees our every move and knows our every thought. The Psalmist asks, “Where shall I go to escape your presence?” a rhetorical question answered by the Psalmist himself in Psalm 139. His conclusion: there is no place to hide. For the Christian, this is a comforting thought, reminding us that God cares about us and is watching over us. We wish everyone in the world had that kind of assurance, which can be yours through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

Click here to see what the “Google Glass” does.
(You know, after seeing what it does, I may be interested after all.)