Laughter and Tears

pic of charlesApril 26, 2013 (Friday)
“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am” (Philippians 4:11-13 MSG)

April 26 is an historical day that calls for both laughter and tears.
Carol Burnett was born on this day in 1933; Lucille Ball died on this day in 1989. This day, therefore, recollects the careers of two of the funniest ladies in entertainment who ever lived. We will be forever grateful for the hours of laughter they gave us.
This is also a day of tears, for it is the day of an explosion in 1986 at a nuclear facility in Chernobyl (then in Ukranian SSR). “Chernobyl” is now a word that has become synonymous with nuclear disaster. The accident there was the worst of its kind in history; many people have died and many more are dying of illnesses related to radiation damage from the event.
Today, April 26, therefore, is a “feel good” day and a “feel bad” day. I suppose every day would be that kind of day if we knew all of the things going on around the world.
Have you ever thought about the fact that God is hearing our prayers every moment of every day? For us frail humans, such an undertaking would be impossible. We would crumble to dust after only one second of hearing the cries to God from around the world. But God hears it all–the cries for help and the praises for blessings.
Yes, this is a day like all other days: a day of both laughter and tears, joy and sadness, life and death.

Devotional Thought:
A David Psalm (Twenty-third Psalm)
(“The Message” Translation)
1-3 God, my shepherd!
I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction.
4 Even when the way goes through
Death Valley,
I’m not afraid
when you walk at my side.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook
makes me feel secure.
5 You serve me a six-course dinner
right in front of my enemies.
You revive my drooping head;
my cup brims with blessing.
6 Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
for the rest of my life.