Election Day Coming

October 30, 2020 (Friday) [Last Day for Early Voting]

After today, as the weekend gets under way, we can look forward to three more days of politics, news about politics, discussions about politics, and then the election. Millions of people have already voted. Tuesday offers the next opportunity if you have not voted yet. There is a great deal of interest in the election this year. I have received a lot of materials about the candidates and the parties, usually in email. It’s good to see such interest in government; it would be even better if we would all check our facts more carefully before sharing them.

Whichever way the election goes, we should prepare ourselves to live with the results. We have had many different kinds of presidents in our nation’s history, and most have been both loved and hated. Care to review all 45 presidents? Just click on any of them in the list below.

It is our Christian duty, according to the Scriptures, to pray for the leaders of the nation and for all who are in authority. I trust we are all prepared to do that, no matter who is elected. And please don’t say we already know who the winner will be, because the polls tell us. Polls have been wrong many times. The only poll that counts is the election itself. So, whoever the new leaders turn out to be, it is our Christian responsibility to lift them up in prayer.

Voting is our legal right and our voluntary duty. Let your voice be heard. Time is running out.




In case you would like to review any of my blogs about the presidents, just click on a name:

1. George Washington
2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. James Madison
5. James Monroe
6. John Quincy Adams
7. Andrew Jackson
8. Martin Van Buren
9. William H. Harrison
10. John Tyler
11. James K. Polk
12. Zachary Taylor
13. Millard Fillmore
14. Franklin Pierce
15. James Buchanan
16. Abraham Lincoln
17. Andrew Johnson
18. Ulysses S. Grant
19. Rutherford B. Hayes
20. James Garfield
21. Chester A. Arthur
22. Grover Cleveland
23. Benjamin Harrison
24. Grover Cleveland
25. William McKinley
26. Theodore Roosevelt
27. William Howard Taft
28 Woodrow Wilson
29. Warren Harding
30. Calvin Coolidge
31. Herbert Hoover
32. Franklin Roosevelt
33. Harry Truman
34. Dwight Eisenhower
35.John F. Kennedy
36. Lyndon Johnson
37 Richard Nixon
38. Gerald Ford
39. Jimmy Carter
40. Ronald Reagan
41. George H.W. Bush
42. Bill Clinton
43. George W. Bush
44. Barack Obama
45. Donald Trump