2020 and Tomorrow

October 15, 2020 (Thursday)

“The year 2020 has been unlike any in living memory, primarily because it has combined so many other difficult years. It began like 1974 with impeachment, then became 1918 with the pandemic, 2008 with the recession, and 1968 with street riots.”* And, of course, a record year for named hurricanes and tropical storms–we’ve used all our alphabet and already six storms into the Greek alphabet. To top it off, the president has covid-19. And several on our church staff have had it. Worldwide, 25 million are or have been sick with it, and 1.05 million have died.

I don’t think the Lord promised to take away all our troubles. I believe He has promised never to forsake us in our times of trouble, and to be right here with us in any and all circumstances.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

“God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NIV).

Jesus gave us a new word to use when we pray: “Father.” Our Heavenly Father cares about us. Whenever we pray, using the word, “Father,” we are expressing our faith in one who loves us and helps us.

He meets us at the point of our deepest need, and invites us to love Him and serve Him. When Paul was persecuting Christians, Christ met him, saved him, and challenged him to become a true servant of God, sharing God’s love and grace with a world in need. Paul related this miraculous personal experience wherever he went. It changed his life. Never again did he worry about the future; he concentrated on serving the Lord, knowing that his every need would be supplied.

So, yes, 2020 has been a bad year. But I challenge you to sit down and think for a while about everything that has happened in your life this year. If you do so, you will count your blessings and be surprised at what the Lord has done.

Paul compared the Christian life to a race, and promised that we shall someday stand in the winner’s circle. Read the Bible. Open the cover and read the first chapter. It is all about beginnings. Now close the Bible and open it up from the back cover. Read the last chapter. It all comes out right. You are on the winning side. God is with you and will help you. Praise Him for his love and grace. You are special to Him. The year has been one of many troubles, but you have hope for tomorrow.

Ira F. Stanphill

I don’t know about tomorrow
I just live for day to day
I don’t borrow from the sunshine
For it’s skies may turn to gray

I don’t worry o’er the future
For I know what Jesus said
And today I’ll walk beside Him
For He knows what lies ahead

Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand

Ev’ry step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb
Ev’ry burden’s getting lighter
Ev’ry cloud is silver lined

There the sun is always shining
There no tear will dim the eye
At the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the sky

I don’t know about tomorrow;
It may bring me poverty.
But the one who feeds the sparrow,
Is the one who stands by me.

And the path that is my portion
May be through the flame or flood;
But His presence goes before me
And I’m covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand

* Dr. James Dennison, Dennison Forum