Be Careful

pic of charlesApril 3, 2013 (Wednesday)
“Prepare and prevent, don’t repair and repent” ~ Author Unknown

I know I’m not getting younger, so that must mean I’m getting older. Since that is a fact of life for me, I have determined to be as careful as possible to avoid accidents. Accidents happen every day. The majority of accidents happen in one of three places: the home, the car and the workplace. Want me to tell you what might accidentally happen to you? No? Well, I’m going to tell you anyway.
First, in the home. In a recent year in the U.S.A., there were 118,000 deaths due to accidents of all kinds. A total of 54,500 of these were in the home. That’s more than 46% of all accidents. What were these home acidents? Falls, poisoning, fires, choking, drowning, firearms, cuts and piercings, gas leaks, falling objects, and electrocution. And just when you thought you were safe at home.
Second, in the car. Causes of accidents: driving under the influence, speeding, road rage, eyes off road while doing something else, being tired, poor car maintenance, cell phone use, texting, eating, reading, applying makeup, rubbernecking, and recklessness.
Finally, at work. traffic accidents while on the job, falls in the workplace, machines, and substances. In addition, in relatively small numbers the list includes homicide, explosions, drug overdoses, suicides, animal attacks, and drowning. If you just have to go to work, be careful out there, ya heah?
Whenever I see films of people walking on steel girders hundreds of feet in the air, my stomach literally hurts. But those who work there don’t worry about it. They say accidents can happen anywhere, like in the home or on the road. Maybe they are right.
Please remember to do that little extra thing that will keep you safe. We like having you around.