One Month Until Election Day

October 5, 2020 (Monday)

President Trump has tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. Let us pray for him, the First Lady, and others in their circle who have also tested positive. He plans to be discharged from the hospital soon, perhaps today. The effects of this upon the election process remains to be seen. This blog was written a couple of weeks ago.

Election Day, November 3, is less than a month away. In case you have forgotten who is running for president, here’s a picture of the two of them. You already know they are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Many will vote absentee. Some will use mail-in ballots. Others will go to the polling places and cast their vote on election day.

Is there anyone who has not already decided which candidate gets his/her vote? All the campaigning is not likely to change anyone’s mind. If that is true, we could have the election today.

That is not going to happen, however, and we can expect to hear each one of the candidates tell us how tragic for the country would be his opponent’s win. Probably, what you hear from them this month has already been said several times.

Perhaps some of you did not know that our country’s third president was elected after great controversy. Thomas Jefferson became president after Congress became involved. John Adams was furious, packed up and left for Massachusetts on Jefferson’s inauguration day. Adams was conspicuously absent. It had been a bitter campaign.

No matter which one wins the 2020 election, Paul’s letter to the Romans makes clear that whoever is elected is put there by the Lord and we should promise even now to pray for the winner.

p.s. – Adams and Jefferson, along with Franklin, wrote the Declaration of Independence together. They overcame their differences to come up with a very precious document. But Jefferson and Adams had different ideas and the bitter campaign created such animosity that they stopped speaking to each other. Later in life, however, they exchanged letters and became very close friends. Believe it or not, they both died on the same day, the Fourth of July.

Here’s an article that gives you a blow by blow description of the campaigns of Adams and Jefferson. You will see how they attacked each other.