Changing Tastes

pic of charlesMarch 5, 2013 (Tuesday)
“I begin each day with coffee and obituaries”-Bill Cosby

Every once in a while it is probably a good idea to take a good look at ourselves. This morning it’s the coffee I like. I have been a coffee drinker ever since I can remember. My grandfather got me started as a toddler, when he gave me milk with a little coffee in it.
What kind do I like? Well, that’s what made me think of writing this blog. My taste is always changing. When I started a lifetime ago, it was mostly milk and sugar. Then for years I drank coffee with a little cream and sugar. At some point, I decided to be a “man” and drink it black. That didn’t last long, so I added a little sugar. I liked that, so that’s the way I drank it for years and years. Then I switched back to adding cream, and later decided to try all the exotic tastes in additives: Hazelnut, etc. Recently I’ve been trying it with powdered creamer and sugar substitute. Am I fickle about coffee or what?
And the brands. I’ve tried many of them. But the past week has landed me back in the land of a basic brand everyone knows.
So, the question today is, “Has the coffee changed, or have I?” Why does it start tasting like it has changed? Most probably it has not. My taste changes.
I got to thinking about other things in my life. Why do I believe people have changed? After my experience in tasting coffee, could it be that I’m the one that changed? It occurred to me that it might be a good thing for all of us to re-examine our own attitudes if it seems like our family and/or friends are changing. It could just be that I’m the one that changed–not they. Think about it.

Coffee Slogans