Change Is Real

pic of charlesFebruary 27, 2013 (Wednesday)
“You can’t stop the future”–Jay Asher

As history moves on, everything changes. One can open an illustrated world history book randomly and the drawings or pictures will reveal which century is being portrayed. The clothing of the First Century is quite different from that of the Twenty-first Century, but each century in between featured clothing quite different from other periods of time. The changes, however, were not sudden and drastic, but slow and gradual.
The changes in our own personal appearance are not noticeable from day to day, but your 1945 photos are quite different from your 1995 pictures. When did you change? Of course, you are well aware that the changes took place so slowly that you did not see them taking place. But they were happening every day.
Why, then, if change is a normal part of life, why are we so determined to resist it tooth and nail (whatever that means)?
Someone has aptly defined “status quo” as “the mess we’re in.” If that is the case, why, then do we not welcome change?
Study the Bible. A serious study will reveal to you that Jesus changed things. He could be heard saying, “You have heard..but I say to you..” He spoke of the old ways as old bottles (wineskins) that break when filled with new wine. Those in charge of religion in those days hated that kind of talk. Instead of welcoming the Messiah with open arms and “Hallelujahs,” they folded their arms in rejection and led the mob in shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify him!”
Jesus is still changing things. He wants to make things different and much better in your life. But He does not force Himself upon you. You must invite Him into your life. If you do, you will never regret it.