Change the World

pic of charlesFebruary 7, 2013 (Thursday)
“‘Status quos’ are made to be broken.”―Ray Davis

An interesting Science Fiction program is now running on the Syfy channel. Here’s the main idea: a group of radicals seeking the destruction of ideas and institutions in 2077, is suddenly thrust through time back to 2013. At first, their desire was to get back to their own future time as quickly as possible, but when they realized that would not be possible, came to understand that they could destroy those future ideas and institutions right here in 2013, thereby solving their problems much easier.
Suppose you were in their shoes. Here you are in 2013, and you would like to see your world change for the better. All of a sudden, you find yourself shot through time back to, oh, I don’t know, say 1925, or a year of your own choice.
For the sake of argument let’s say you are the type of person who gets things done and you are very impatient with the status quo. You know what the future holds, and here you are, all of a sudden, able to change the future. What will you do?
Aside from the fact that time travel is impossible, there is the “butterfly effect” that says even a minor, insignificant action may have drastic effects and dire consequences for the future.
Perhaps a more practical question today would be, “If I could change the world, what would I change?” And how would I do it? Would you agree that Jesus changed the world? How did He do it? In spite of being urged to assert Himself with mighty power of every kind, He chose the way of the Cross. Could it be possible that many of our desires for a better world could be fulfilled if we, too, would follow “the way of the Cross?”
It is not only possible, but it is the only way you and I can follow in the footsteps of our Lord. Here’s what He said, “..”If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23 NIV).