Writing the Blog

”picJanuary 28, 2013 (Monday)
“My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.” — Ernest Hemingway

This blog was offline last week. Our publishing partner in this project has been in the process of changing servers, and the end result will probably be good for Dale and me. Everything should work more smoothly as we write these “masterpieces of literature.” I would say, “sorry for the inconvenience,” but I had nothing to do with the problem. Even so, if it will help, “Sorry.”
It was in the year 2007 when we took it upon ourselves, with the help of Patty Albin and the First Baptist Church of Rockport, to write these blogs, “The Muse is Loose” and “Howdy, Ya’ll.” I’m not sure how many people are reading them, but we are thankful for every person who does read them.
It’s fun to write, and if a blog makes sense when I read it “cold,” then I have a feeling of accomplishment, whether the essay itself accomplishes anything or not. I minored in English in college, but my 7th and 8th grade English classes taught me most of what I need to know as I write. Bless those teachers who poured their souls into their classes with the hope that they would make a difference in the lives of their students. Well, they surely made a difference in mine, for without their lessons I would have found my life’s work in the ministry much more difficult. Incidentally, they are in no way responsible for mistakes I make.
If you have been reading these blogs, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I deeply appreciate your taking the time to do so. If anything I have written has made you laugh, smile,shed a tear or has touched your heart and mind in any way, I am happy. Thank you for reading.