
”picJanuary 15, 2013 (Tuesday)
““Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.”― Stephen Chbosky

Today marks the halfway point in the month of January, 2013. Am I the only one who is still writing 2012 on his checks? For some reason, this has been my problem this year. I guess I am growing more resistant to change with each passing year.
I suppose that makes sense. Older people seem to want everything to stay put. We know what change is — we’ve seen more change in our lifetime than one could imagine. We would enjoy a little stability, if you please.
And yet, isn’t it the goal of every person to leave a mark of some kind in this world to show he/she was here, that he/she made a difference in some way? By most measurements, that would be considered change of some kind. No one wants an obituary like Methuselah’s, which simply says he lived (a very long time) and then he died. We would like to be remembered for having been a blessing to someone in some way.
Some people will leave monuments — perhaps made of glass or stone, and others will leave changed lives and blessed people. All of us want future generations to have good memories of us who lived before them and left the world a better place because we were here. For all our talk about resistance to change, perhaps by the grace of God we can change some of the things that need changing. Remember, Jesus’ enemies were dedicated to the status quo; Jesus changed the world.