Before and After

”picJanuary 9, 2013 (Wednesday)
“You saw me before I was born.” (Psalm 139:16 NLB)

When I get to wondering how the world will get along without me after I’m gone, I get to thinking about how it got along without me before I came along. The world didn’t miss me; it knew nothing of my existence.
The history book is great for helping people to be humble, in case they are having trouble with feelings of self-importance. Open the pages and read about all the things that happened for thousands of years before we were born. The world could sing this song to every one of us: “Got along without ya before I met ya, gonna get along without ya now.” (A popular song written by Milton Kellem in 1952).
In spite of that, we have this marvelous verse, Psalm 139:16, which assures us that God, who knows all things — past, present and future — has always known about us as individuals and the part our lives would play in this drama of life:

You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

The world may neither see us coming nor grieve our passing, but our importance to Almighty God should cause us to be thankful for our personal role in God’s great plan for His world.