Dorothy Fake

”picJanuary 7, 2013 (Monday)
“When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!”

The above words of a grand old hymn are on my heart today, as we lay to rest the body of my step-mother, Dorothy Fake, claiming as bedrock truth the exclamation of the Apostle Paul, “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.”
I remember the day when she accepted Christ as her personal Savior. She immediately became a brand new person, with a heart dedicated to her Savior. From that day on, her life revolved around her devotion to Jesus and His church. She was a quick learner and very soon was involved in work with young people in her church. She was enthusiastic and loving, leading youth to know and love Christ.
She was involved in the total program of her church, the Denver Assembly of God, in Houston. Through many years of being pastor, I have learned the tremendous value of dedicated leaders, and in every church there are those who stand out as willing and able, always at the forefront and deeply involved in the work of the Lord. Dorothy was that kind of church member.
As she aged, she became less involved in church work, but her heart was always in tune with her Lord. The family has bestowed upon me the honor of officiating at her funeral service. I thank them for their confidence and love in asking me to do this.