Christ in Us

”picJanuary 2, 2013 (Wednesday)
“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27)

Pastor Scott Jones’ sermon last Sunday and Dale Pogue’s follow-up blog on “Reflections” set me to thinking about an old song, very popular 60 years ago, but seldom heard these days. It is very relevant to the new start we have in a new year, and goes like this:

Christ, the Transforming Light,
Touches this heart of mine,
Piercing the darkest night,
Making His glory shine.
Oh, to reflect His grace,
Causing the world to see
Love that will glow,
till others shall know Jesus,
revealed in me.

The words were written by Gipsy Simon Smith (music by E. Edwin Young) and has three additional verses (see photocopy of hymnal page). I’m sure it expresses the heart’s desire of many Christians as we begin 2013.