Have Courage!

November 29, 2012 (Thursday)
”picWilliam Cowper wrote the words to the hymn, “God Moves In A Mysterious Way,” during the 18th Century. One of the verses of the grand old song inspires us to maintain courage:

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
               In blessings on your head.

Kelly Clarkson has recorded a song with a message of hope so strong it was made into a video by the medical staff and patients in a children’s cancer hospital. The words, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” were pantomimed in the video. You can see it on You Tube. It’s very inspirational.
Years ago an aged Roman Catholic priest and I were having a discussion that involved theology and he said to me, “You know, Charles, man was made to strive, wasn’t he?” And I agreed. He was made to have fellowship with God and to enjoy his daily labors in the beautiful Garden of Eden. Work itself was his ordinary way of life, but after sin entered the world, it became difficult for the man to do the work. From that day to this, people face obstacles and troubles in life, because this is a “fallen world.” Sometimes these things make life hard to bear, but God can strengthen us for the tasks, no matter how hard they are to perform, and we can truly say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Click here to view William Cowper’s hymn and hear the music. Also a story about his life being providentially saved.