The Gospel Is The Power of God

September 10, 2020 (Thursday)

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes

The words above are quoted from the Apostle Paul, and are recorded in Romans 1:16 (NIV).

The gospel message — the message that Jesus Christ died in our place on the cross, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead — has power to save all those who come to Christ, believing in Him as their Savior.

Many times that message is spoken as one person tells another person how to be saved. Through the years some people have created routines that we can follow as we tell others about Jesus. But the method that persists is for a Christian simply to share his own personal experience with Christ.

Sometimes the message shared is that which is written in the Bible. That message, spoken or written, is the “power of God” that works in the human heart, bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Two examples of people who were saved by simply reading the Bible come to mind. I knew both people. Some who are reading this will remember the young man from Thailand and the young lady from Laos. When they made their declarations of faith in Christ, no one had talked with them about it; they came to Christ because they read the Bible. Those experiences showed “the power of God” in action, touching hearts and bringing people to Christ.

Christians can tell unique stories about how they came to Christ. God uses whatever is available to let people know He loves them and wants to save them. The stories of personal salvation are many; the Savior is One.

I found a friend who is all to me, His love is ever true. I love to tell how He lifted me, and what His grace can do for you. Saved, by His power divine! Saved, to new life sublime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, for I’m saved, saved, saved!