‘Tis the Season

November 1, 2012 (Thursday)
”picYesterday was our last opportunity write “October” on our checks, etc. Today is NOVEMBER, and I’m finding that a little hard to believe. How did it get here so quickly this year? We’re in the big season: Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas.

is celebrated with carved pumpkins, ugly masks, skeletons, ghosts, goblins, and cute costumes like rabbits and Snow White. Many people love to celebrate Halloween. But do we know much about it? “Halloween” is short for “All Hallows’ Evening,” or “the night before All Hallows Day.” What is “All Hallows Day?” It is also known as “All Saints Day” which is a day to honor all the saints recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. But Halloween has taken on a life all its own, whatever that is.

Thanksgiving Day
is a day for all of us to offer God a prayer of thanks for His blessings upon us. There is usually a big family meal, a proclamation by the president, remembrances of the first Thanksgiving observed by our Pilgrim forefathers, and family reunions.
Christmas Day is a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. We remember in a special way the Incarnation of God in human flesh, and thank Him for a love so great that included everyone in the world. It has become a season for sharing with others and becoming a channel of God’s love for all people, especially those in need.
‘Tis the season..