Old and Glad About It

October 30, 2012 (Tuesday)
”picFifty years ago two 19-year-old college boys decided to start a band, which became famous world-wide and is still making music and entertaining crowds today, even though the boys are now almost 70 years old. The name of the band is “The Rolling Stones.”
I don’t know much about the band, etc. but I find it rather amazing that Rock and Roll, a type of music usually associated with youth is being performed by what are commonly known as “senior citizens.”
Another group, “The Beach Boys,” recently celebrated their 50th anniversary of making music. People flock to concerts to hear them.
Everyone in the world is getting older day by day. You are one day older today than you were yesterday. You don’t, however, have to feel bad about that.
If you are among the older people of today’s world and you are still able to be up and about, leading your own life, you should be very thankful.
Invariably, when someone reaches 100, they are asked why they think they have lived so long. One old fellow, pained by arthritis, inconvenienced by incontinence, medicated for a heart condition, covered with lotion for skin conditions, chewing food twice as long with half as many teeth as he needs, and many other “old folks” problems, was asked, “To what you attribute your longevity?” and he replied, “I don’t really know–bad luck, I guess.”
Well, I’m thankful for each new day. I try to remember to quote a Scripture verse every day: “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
