October 18, 2012 (Thursday)
A farmer in India became a father at age 94 two years ago, and again this year at age 96. His wife is 52. Both births were registered as world records for the age of the father.
Mr Ramjit Raghav told The Times of India that he had remained a bachelor and practiced celibacy throughout his life until he met his wife Shakuntala about 10 years ago.
Fathering children at an advanced age seems to be have been common among men described in the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. But these days, it is rare to say the least. Ramjit says his diet of almonds, butter and milk has helped to make all this possible.
I am only 81, but somehow I cannot imagine myself as a new father. Maybe I’ll feel differently 15 years from now. Please pass the almonds, butter and milk.
I thought of a lot of jokes and funny situations to throw into this blog, but have come to the conclusion that fatherhood is not a laughing matter. It should be taken seriously in every family. But that’s a blog for another day. In the meantime, let us all pray for the homes in our nation and around the world. The Scriptures give us clear guidelines for successful families. We never go wrong when we do things God’s way.