
August 28, 2012 (Tuesday)
”picdriver's lic picWhat a difference 2 years makes. Here are two pictures of me–made in 2010 and 2012. The picture on the left was made in Mark and Dianna’s back yard, and the one on the right was made two weeks ago for my new driver’s license.
I like to think that I actually look more like the one on the left, but what do I know? I only see myself in the mirror and every morning the driver’s license photo seems like the correct view.
As I stood there awaiting the flash for my driver’s license photo, I actually thought I was sporting a slight smile. I guess gathering up all the loose skin in the face gets harder as I get older. I have to admit that I was a little surprised when I saw the new photo. Oh, well, I will be 81 in a few weeks, and a little loose skin is to be expected, I suppose. Or a lot.
At least I’m still allowed to drive. A few years ago on one of my trips to Houston, I was stopped and given a warning ticket by a DPS Officer, who, when he saw the birthdate on my license, told me that his dad was my age and the family had banned him from driving anymore. So, I’m sure I’m very fortunate in many ways. Oh, the warning ticket? It was for not pulling over into the left lane when passing an emergency vehicle parked on the side with its lights flashing. At the time it was a new law.
Here’s hoping your driver’s license photo comes out better than mine. Remember to SMILE! You won’t be asked to say, “Cheese.”