
Surprise, surprise, surprise.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2007 (SATURDAY) – humberto.jpgHurricane Humberto? You’ve got to be kidding. A tropical wave became a tropical storm and suddenly became a hurricane, with 90 mph gusts, bringing destruction and death. It all happened within 12 hours Wednesday, September 12. In addition, the storm siphoned off all the moisture that had been collecting in the Gulf of Mexico and had been predicted to bring heavy rains to South Texas. Of course, with all the rain we have had, we were not saddened by the sweeping away of all that potential rain. The hurricane slammed into Southeast Texas, damaging again some areas that had been hit by Rita two years ago, moving quickly into the Louisiana border area, and now promises to bring rain to drought-plagued areas of the South and Southeast.
When it got organized and started swirling in the Gulf, very visible on the satellite and radar pictures, I thought of Gomer Pyle’s “surprise, surprise, surprise.” Just goes to show you, the weather is sometimes unpredictable.
Know what else is unpredictable? The behavior of people. We never cease to be surprised by what people sometimes do. The human factor is always the “fly in the ointment” in the best-laid plans.
Really now, if you had known Simon Peter personally, would you have imagined his denying that he knew Jesus? He could be rash and outspoken, but never would one have dreamed he could say he did not know Jesus at all. In a moment of fear, he sinned against the one he dearly loved. When he realized what he had done, he was stricken with remorse and wept bitterly. His denials had even surprised himself.
Have you ever surprised yourself by thoughts and actions that are inconsistent with your commitment to Christ as your Lord? If so, the good news is that the Lord will forgive you. He wants you to confess and forsake your sins. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 KJV). Along with that good news, you are offered some really great counsel: “Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16). Sin brings sadness; obedience brings joy.
If interested in more info about hurricanes and Humberto, click here: