Dale Pogue

80 Years of Age – Happy Birthday!

June 8, 2012 (Friday)
”picTomorrow we will join the celebration of Dale Pogue’s 80th birthday.
On Monday, June 13, 1932, Everett Dale Pogue was born at home at Liberty Hill, Oklahoma. Dr. Miner came to assist. He forgot to register this birth at the county seat at Poteau, Oklahoma, so today there is no official record of this birth with the state of Oklahoma. You and I know he is very present and much loved.
Dale gave his heart to Christ in August, 1941, at the Cavanaugh Baptist Church during a revival meeting. His personal relationship with the Lord has since grown stronger every day.
He married Agnes Ann Maurer December 27, 1957 in Pharr, Texas, thereby proving himself to be a very wise man. They are the perfect couple. Everyone feels like a part of their family. They have two children, Lee and Laura, and lovely, loving grandchildren.
I met Dale when I first moved to Rockport. He was on the staff of the First Baptist Church of Taft. We saw each other at association meetings and gradually became well acquainted. But it was later that we got to know each other better. It was around the early to mid 1980’s when Dale became Minister of Education and Youth at Rockport’s First Baptist Church, where I was pastor. The years we worked together in the church were very enjoyable. Dale did a great job, and his presence did wonders for the spirit of the church and its staff. And for me. His sweet Christian spirit, many gifts and talents, and his marvelous sense of humor worked wonders for us all. I learned to love him and his family with all my heart.
Dale has served in many churches as staff member and pastor.* He and Ann moved to Rockport after their retirement and are active members of the church here. Everyone loves them and is thankful for them. I’m glad the party will be at the church we both love and claim as our home in retirement.
*Click here for more information about Dale, from his blog site.
