Summer is here

Enjoy it

May 30, 2012 (Wednesday)
”picUnofficially, summer has begun. School’s out. The weather’s hot. Gas prices are down a little. By the time your calendar says, “First day of summer,” you will be well into the season already.
Churches are geared up for Vacation Bible School. The theme for many churches this year will be aviation. Last year is was New York City. The kids seem to enjoy these kinds of themes. Rooms follow it in their decorations and everyone has a good time. The workers in some churches share themselves and their supplies with smaller churches and mission points. This mission work adds to their joy in the summer. Just like at Christmas, “It’s better to give than to receive.”
If you travel, I pray you will be safe. It you see new and exciting places, I pray that your joy may be full and overflowing. If you as families draw closer together because of your vacation experience, you will have a memory that you will always treasure. If your heart is full of love for your Savior, perhaps you will be able to share that love with someone along the way. If a person is willing to share his faith, God will make a way to do it naturally and joyfully. And someone will be blessed.
Merry summer and a happy new fall. (Yeah, I just made that up).