
A life in three chapters

May 7, 2012 (Monday)
”picA book about Moses today could easily be divided into three sections, because he lived 40 years as royalty, 40 years as a shepherd, and 40 years as a leader. The first third of his life was spent in privilege and honor, the second in plodding and obscurity, and the third in prominence as leader and intercessor.
The first two-thirds of his life were preparatory for the final third. As a baby his life was miraculously preserved. He was placed in a basket and set adrift where he was found by Pharaoh’s daughter. He was raised as a member of the king’s household. His private nurse and tutor was his own mother, who taught him about the one true God and his special place in God’s plan. As he grew into adulthood, observing the harsh treatment of the Hebrew slaves, he decided on his own that it was time to act in defense of these people. He killed an Egyptian, thinking perhaps that the people would follow him as their leader. He was surprised and disappointed, however, as he suddenly was branded a killer and a fugitive, so he fled the country. He found refuge as a shepherd in Midian. Thus ended the first third of his life.
The next forty years found him in a solitary occupation, with plenty of time to meditate upon God’s work in this world. He doubtless thought of the Hebrew people back in Egypt, still suffering as slaves and longing for freedom and a land of their own. He must have prayed for them often. As a shepherd he had learned how to deal with living out-of-doors and adjusting to the natural elements. He learned what it was like to maintain a simple life style. And he was healthy and strong. Then one day he saw something strange–a bush burning without being consumed. As he gazed at the miracle, he heard the voice of God, calling him back to Egypt, to lead the people of God to a new land all their own. With some reluctance, he surrendered to this call from God and soon found himself in Pharaoh’s palace, delivering God’s message to Egypt to let his people go free. And so the second third of Moses’ life came to a close.
Pharaoh refused to let the people go. In response, God sent plague after plague. Each time Pharaoh agreed to let them go, but then changed his mind. Finally, the firstborn of every household died in one awful night. Only the Hebrew children were spared, because they followed the command of God to offer a sacrifice and place its blood on their house. Pharaoh then demanded that they leave. But true to form, he changed his mind after the people were on their way to the promised land. He pursued them, but God intervened and the people were spared. And so they were on their journey. Moses led them to receive God’s law in the Ten Commandments, and to set up the Tabernacle for regular worship, but they refused to enter the new land because of fear. Moses led them for the next 40 years to wander in the wilderness, but his leadership during that time was never forgotten and his influence was felt as the people entered the land after his death.
Here was Moses’ life (3 phases of 40 years each): 1. He ran ahead of God. 2. He ran behind God. 3. He ran with God.
Are you running WITH God?