A bird greeting

At the park

April 26, 2012 (Thursday)
”picI recognized the call of the Tufted Titmouse before I saw it. I was walking on the paved path at Memorial Park in Rockport when I heard the call. Having one in our yard enabled me to know what he was saying. I looked around and there he was, sitting atop the cyclone fence, in the midst of green vines, just a few feet from the path. He was saying, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep walking. Wanna fight? Put ’em up, put ’em up!”
I learned to understand their language when I encountered one in my backyard. Seems the door to our well house is part of his territory, so on at least one occasion he not only warned me, he attacked me, flying straight into my chest several times before retreating to his corner of the (boxing) ring.
Rev. Dale Pogue and Dr. Robert Edwards can tell you everything there is to know about the Tufted Titmouse bird. Me? I’m just a layman when it comes to identifying one. I just happen to know something about these birds because one of them took it upon himself to pick on me. Wonder how far I could get with a lawsuit, suing him for bullying me?
I’m looking forward to my next walk at the park. I know right where that bird is. If he’s anything like his cousin here at the house, he’ll be waiting for me, announcing his presence, daring me to slow down or stop at my own peril.
Jesus said, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26 NIV). How do you like that, Mister T.T., you big little bully, you.

I’m with Louis Armstrong: “I think to myself, what a wonderful world!”