Think before you speak

You cannot “unsay” it

April 24, 2012 (Tuesday)
”picI have something in my house called a DVR. It records everything I watch on my cable TV. When I’m watching TV, I’m not really watching what the cable company is sending into my house–I’m watching a recording that is several seconds behind the actual signal.
It occurs to me that the folks who control such things could set the delay for whatever interval they choose. It can be as much as 10 seconds or 10 minutes, for that matter. That would give the broadcaster ample time to edit what seems to be a live broadcast.
All of this makes me use my imagination to envision a device in my head that edits my remarks. I would think it, then say it. But, wait, there’s a delay. I have time to edit my remarks. What a great idea. No longer need I be afraid of shooting off my mouth. With this editing device in my head, I can examine what I just said and decide not to say it after all.
Alas, such a device is not available. Therefore, I must be careful what I say. Once said, the words are out there and take on a life of their own. I cannot edit my remarks. I must think before I speak. I’m not the first to think of that. James, in the Bible, said something about it a long time ago. Have you read it lately? It goes like this: “If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless” (James 1:26 NLT).
Sorry, no implants for self-censorship are available at this time. You must “do it yourself.” Ask the Lord to help you, and he will. (Read what James wrote about the tongue here).