Holy Week – Day 7


April 7, 2012 (Saturday)

”picEach blog this week has had two parts: 1. What happened? 2. What does it mean to us?
1. What happened on Saturday of Holy Week?
Saturday being the Sabbath Day, all activity ceased from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. One wonders what was going through the minds of all those involved in Friday’s crucifixion of Jesus. His body now lay in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy, secret disciple of Jesus. He and Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin but also a secret disciple, had requested the body for burial. The body was hastily prepared before sunset. These friends thanked God for the privilege of burying the body. The religious leaders, so vehement in their denunciation of Jesus on Friday, were now quietly recounting the events of the day before and no doubt complimenting themselves upon their success. The followers of Jesus were broken-hearted because it seemed all of their hopes and dreams had been smashed. Yes, Day 7 of Holy Week is a very quiet, introspective day.
2. What does it mean to us?
Paul is adamant in 1 Corinthians 15 about the scriptures being fulfilled in everything that happened: Jesus died according to the scriptures, was buried according to the scriptures, and rose from the dead according to the scriptures. Note that the burial is included in the list of important things that happened. Why? Because it demonstrates the awesome fact that Jesus really died. These are the facts. Today’s skeptics are growing in numbers as agnostics and atheists are denying the very foundations of our faith. The person of Jesus, the atoning death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus are all being systematically ridiculed by many today. Do not be misled. Remember the fateful words of the great Apostle: “If Christ be not raised, you are yet in your sins.” He really died. In our place. And he really rose from the dead. He lives today!
Click here to read an account of the day’s events (Last year’s blog about Day 7 of Holy Week).
You may review last year’s blogs on Holy Week by clicking on “April 2011” in the “Archive” column in the right column of the index page. The blogs began on April 17, 2011 and concluded on April 24, 2011. The blogs give more details about each day during Holy Week.