Something Funny

for Friday

March 16, 2012 (Friday)

”picA certain television preacher always begins his sermons with “something funny.” Occasionally I like to end the week with Friday’s blog being “something funny.”
OK, here’s the corny joke of the week (if you don’t get it the first time, just keep repeating it until you do):
A fellow says, “I just can’t remember names. Can you help me?”
His friend replies, “When you hear a name, just observe the person, pick out something you will remember that rhymes with the name. If you meet a thin man named Benny, just think ‘Skinny.’ Skinny rhymes with Benny. Skinny, Benny. Got it?”
The guy agrees “That’s good. I can do that.”
So the man who wants to remember meets a man with a big stomach whose name is “Lummoch.” “This works out great,” he thought: “Lummoch,Stomach. I will remember.”
The next time he saw his new friend, he yelled, “Hi, there, Mister Kelly!”
lol. tee hee. ha ha. ho ho.
Something funny for Friday.