Take Your Cross

And follow Jesus

February 29, 2012 (Wednesday)

”picTonight at prayer meeting, we will study Mark 8:34-38, which presents Jesus’ requirement that his followers be willing to take up their own cross. Jesus was beginning to be more specific in his teachings, emphasizing not only that the Messiah had to suffer in order to be the Savior, but his followers should be willing to do the same.
Perhaps no song writer has done a better job than Ira Stanphill in helping us understand this call from Christ, through a beautiful song (“Follow Me”). Here is the first of three marvelous verses:

“I traveled down a lonely road And no one seemed to care;
The burden on my weary back Had bowed me to despair,
I oft complained to Jesus How folks were treating me,
And then I heard Him say so tenderly,
‘My feet were also weary, Upon the Calv’ry road;
The cross became so heavy, I fell beneath the load,
Be faithful weary pilgrim, The morning I can see,
Just lift your cross and follow close to me.’

A grand old hymn, “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go,” by B.B. McKinney, also lays down this challenge:

“Take up thy cross and follow Me,” I heard my Master say;
“I gave My life to ransom thee, Surrender your all today.”
Wherever He leads I’ll go, Wherever He leads I’ll go,
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.”

Are we — his followers — willing to follow him wherever he leads us?