Sing of happy not sad
February 24, 2012 (Friday)
We live in a polarized society. It’s conservative vs liberal, republican vs democrat, etc. Nationwide, we are divided pretty evenly at 50-50. O.K. Well and good. We have our ideas. But when people cannot get along or agree on much of anything, the atmosphere gets negatively charged and we all get bad vibes. So I am proposing that we all learn to sing a song when we get so uptight that we can’t get along with others. Here’s the song, straight from the Hit Parade of my youth, the #1 hit in 1939 by the Kay Kyser orchestra (sung by Ish KaBibble).* Altogether, now:
“Down in de meddy in a itty bitty poo,
Fam fee itty fitty and a mama fitty, foo.
“Fim,” fed de mama fitty, “fim if oo tan,”
And dey fam and dey fam all over de dam.
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And dey fam all over de dam.”
“Down in de meddy in a itty bitty poo,
Fam fee itty fitty and a mama fitty, foo.
“Fim,” fed de mama fitty, “fim if oo tan,”
And dey fam and dey fam all over de dam.
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And dey fam all over de dam.”
Just think how many arguments will be stopped and fights prevented when this song is sung in harmony with enemies. Won’t it be great when the political conventions begin with the announcement, “Ladies and Gentlemen, let us remove our hats, stand and sing reverently, “Three little fishes in a little bitty pool!”
What this old world needs right now is a few more smiles. A little laughter wouldn’t hurt, either. Yes, I know these are serious times, but, for goodness sake, lighten up every now and then, Frances.
*by Josephine Judson Carringer – lyrics and music adapted by Saxie Dowell