Soup or bowl?

Ball — foot, basket or base

February 7, 2012 (Tuesday)

”picThe most watched television program ever! Number of viewers: 111.3 million. What program was that, you ask? Why, Superbowl XLVI in Indianopolis, February 5, 2012, of course. Actually, the half-time show performed by Madonna and friends, had an even larger audience of 114 million viewers.
We had church as usual at Bethel Baptist Church, Ingleside Sunday evening and none of those present seemed to be concerned about the game on television.
Since our local cable company and the Corpus Christi NBC affiliate have suspended services to our house because of their dispute over money, we had to figure out a different way to see the game. Dwight rigged up our computer’s streaming of the game so that we could see it all on our TV screen. Wasn’t bad. Much better than a blank screen.
The computer presentation did not include any of the halftime activities or the renowned Superbowl commercials. So we missed Madonna’s show and her British friend M.I.A.’s obscene gesture. Yesterday I did see a picture of the entertainer making the dirty sign with her fingers, and it reminded me that much of our present culture has become vulgar and drags us down instead of lifting us up.
And so football season comes to a close. What now? Basketball is under way. It won’t be long until baseball gets started again. In addition to these, many others sports and other activities will get under way. There’s always something to be interested in or, even better, to do. Hey, there, let’s get up and do something. Follow my lead. Let’s stand up. Here we go. One, two, three–put down your fork…