First Cup of Coffee

..and other first stuff..

December 8, 2011 (Thursday)

”picI am sipping my first cup of coffee this morning, and was reminded that I really do love the taste. But it’s my only opportunity today to have the first cup. I could drink cup after cup today, but only one first cup. There’s nothing quite like it.
So I got to thinking about the “firsts” in life.
I remember that first day of school. It was at Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School in Houston. I decided to go home after lunch, but the teacher saw me leaving and let me know in no uncertain terms that my place was in her room at school.
Do you remember your first date? Mine was way too early in life. We went to the show, and she spent all her time talking to other boys.
How about that first kiss? If yours was like mine, it was a terrifying experience and you were glad when it was over and done with. Then you wondered why everyone talks about it like it’s a big deal.
Do you recall your first day on your first job? Mine was in the Produce section of a neighborhood grocery store. I was in the 7th or 8th grade. It was the first of several grocery store jobs in my young life.
I recall vividly my first sermon 63 years ago. My speech and drama classes at school had helped me overcome nervousness. I preached on Philippians 2 and started with an old time-worn joke. I learned that the church looks a lot different from behind the pulpit.
Can you remember your first solo behind the steering wheel of an automobile? Again, mine was way too early, but when the oldest kid can drive, it helps a lot around the house.
Yep, there are a lot of “firsts” in life, but when you are 80 years old, one of life’s greatest pleasures is that first cup of coffee in the morning. Pardon me while a take another sip. Boy, that’s good.
Recognize any of these?:

1. Good to the Last Drop.
2. Everything you love about coffee.
3. We’ve secretly replaced the coffee with…
4. Mrs. Olsen
5. Celebrate the moments of your life.
6. The best part of waking up (extra credit if you can hum the jingle)
7. Our House
8. Fill it to the rim.
9. Cora
10. Juan Valdez