Sweet Peace

July 13, 2021 (Tuesday)

Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27 NLT).

Jesus gives us peace within our hearts and it overflows into our lives. It is contagious and others can catch it. The Bible speaks of the “peace that passes all understanding.” That kind of peace can take the place of depression. worry, sadness, the blues, despair and despondency.

Yes, Jesus whispers sweet peace to his children.

I love this old song presented in a beautiful way:

Words & Music by Will M Ramsey

Sometimes when misgivings darken my way,
And faith’s light I just can not see;
Then I asked the dear Lord,
“Please brighten my way”,
He whispers sweet peace to me.

He whispers sweet peace to me,
He whispers sweet peace to me,
When I am cast down in spirit and soul,
He whispers sweet peace to me.

I could not go on without Him I know,
The world would o’erwhelm my soul;
For I could not see the right way to go,
When temptations o’er me roll.

I trust Him through faith, by faith hold His hand,
And sometimes my faith is weak,
And then when I ask Him to take command,
It seems that I hear Him speak,

He speaks in a still, small voice we are told,
A voice that dispels all fear;
And when I’m in doubt, or troubled in soul,
That still small voice I can hear.

When I am cast down in spirit and soul,
He whispers sweet peace to me.

This blog repeats portions of July 15, 2020 blog