Praise His Holy Name

June 28, 2020 (Sunday)

“Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name” (Psalm 30:4 NIV)

Every day is a good day to praise the Lord, but Sunday is a very special day for that purpose.  We gather together if we can, and join our hearts in worship.  We sing, pray, give an offering, preach, listen, encourage each other, and express our appreciation to the Lord for giving us fellowship with one another in this blessed experience.  As we have engaged in worship via online streaming of the services, we have been of one mind, reaching out with others to see and hear our ministerial staff and our pastor sharing with us the Word of God.  Step by step we are making our way back to being together for worship in the sanctuary.  We have been reminded in recent weeks of the importance of worshiping together  and we have learned not to take our opportunities lightly.  We have come to see clearly that we are important to each other as we praise the Lord together.  May we never forget the lessons learned from one another during this pandemic.  “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psalm 122:1 KJV).

The beautiful music from First Baptist Church of Dallas features a tune from Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata No. 8, 2nd movement, with words by Lanny Wolfe:

Praise His Holy Name
Words: Lanny Wolfe
Music: Ludwig Von Beethoven
Pathetique Sonata No. 8, 2nd Movement
1798, 1984

Praise ye the Lord
From whom all blessings flow
For He has washed and
Made me white as snow.
I’m redeemed from all my sin and shame
For now and forever
Praise His holy name.

Praise His holy name
Praise His holy name
To God be the glory
Now and forever
Praise His holy name.

God is great and greatly to be praised
Above all others
Let His name be raised
Saints and angels evermore proclaim
That He alone is worthy
Praise His holy name

Praise His holy name
Praise His holy name
To God be the glory
Now and forever
Praise His holy name.

Chorus with variations.