
of various kinds

October 24, 2011 (Monday)
”picIn one verse (1 Timothy 2:1) the Apostle Paul referred to four types of prayer: “..I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone..”
Along with these prayers, we include confession of sin and a plea to know God’s will. For the purpose of this blog, I will consider these as two additional types of prayer. Do you pray in these six ways?

1. Petitions

We can ask the Lord for things. There is nothing inherently wrong with that type of prayer. Jesus wants us to remember, however, that he will supply our needs when we put him first in our lives (Matthew 6:33).

2. Prayers

This is a general word for prayer of all kinds, but here it seems to be urging us to praise God, in recognition of his majesty and power and our dependence upon him.

3. Intercessions

We are all familiar with this concept. If you have ever had someone “go to bat” for you, you know the meaning of intercession: caring enough about people to pray for them.

4. Thankgivings

Note that this word is plural. We are thankful for many things. “Count your many blessings, name them one by one..” are the words of a wonderful hymn.

5. Confession

As we draw near to God, his light shines into our souls and we become more aware of our own shortcomings, and confess them to him.

6. Seeking God’s Will

To know and do the will of God is our heart’s desire. As we pray, we ask the Lord for specific guidance in our personal situations. “Where he leads me I will follow.”