Sing and Be Happy

July 8, 2020 (Wednesday)

In this blog two days ago we wished you a happy day. When I think of happiness, I don’t usually think of giddiness and light heartedness. I visualize happiness as a deep-seated confidence that all will be well, sooner or later, because ultimately God is in charge. He is sovereign. When Jesus gave us the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5-7, he began with the Beatitudes. Each one begins with “Blessed.” Another translation gives us “Oh, the happiness of..” Somehow I think the translation that speaks of happiness is giving us the true meaning of blessedness. We are sure that life does not always go our way, but we are equally convinced that God is with us in the valleys as well as upon the mountains. Life is what it is. Some seem to get more troubles than others, but all of us can find hope and comfort in the Lord.

Sing and Be Happy
Words & Music – Emory S. Peck

If the skies above you are gray
You are feeling so blue
If your cares and burdens seem great
all the whole day through
There’s a silver lining that shines
In the heavenly land
Look by faith and see it my friend
Trust in His promises grand

Sing and you’ll be happy today
(Sing and be happy)
Press along to the goal
(Press on to the goal)
Trust in Him who leadeth the way
(Trust Him who leads you)
He is keeping your soul
(He will keep your soul)
Let the world know where you belong
(Let all be faithful)
Look to Jesus and pray
(Look to Him and pray)
Lift your voice and praise Him in song
Sing and be happy today!

Often we are troubled and tried
Sick with sorrow and pain
There are others living in sin
Blest with earthly gain
Take new courage we cannot tell
What the morrow may bring
When the dark clouds vanish away
Then your heart truly can sing

Oft we fail the see the rainbow
Up in heaven’s fair sky
When it seems the fortunes of earth
Frown and pass us by
There are things
we know that are worth
More than silver and gold
If we hope and trust Him each day
We shall have pleasure untold

Happiness Is A Choice

I watched a TV program Sunday night in which a lady who was very upset was talking over her problems with an Anglican priest, who said to her, something like, “Cheer up, the Lord wants you to be happy.” She replied indignantly, “You need to read your Bible. God says He wants us to be good Christians; he never said, “Be happy.” Well, looks like he did say that after all. Or something like it.